About Family Constellations (FC)
Generational / Systemic Healing Processes
I am listening in a deeper way.
Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me.
Be still, they say. Watch and listen.
You are the result of the love of thousands.
Linda Hogan: from A Spiritual History of the Living World
Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me.
Be still, they say. Watch and listen.
You are the result of the love of thousands.
Linda Hogan: from A Spiritual History of the Living World
Video link: Ancestral Trauma Affecting Our Lives
If you are experiencing a challenge or stuck pattern that no matter what you do, you are unable to resolve it, the root cause maybe due to an entanglement you have with a trauma faced by one or several of your ancestors. Family Constellations could help you identify and release entanglements from the past to restore order, balance and reconnection in yourself and the whole family system. In doing so, you can heal the cause of these patterns and move forward to live a healthier, happier, more fulfilled life, and create a new blueprint for yourself and future generations. The insights you receive in the process can be immediate and life changing, or can be the first of a series of steps in healing the root cause of your issues / challenges.
In a family system, individuals unconsciously take on destructive familial patterns of dysfunction, such as anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way to “belong” and be loyal to the family system. Often these patterns are the root cause of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical illness such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, allergies, autoimmune diseases, lower back pain, cancer, HIV-AIDS, depression, anxiety, panic disorders, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, fears, phobias, guilt, bi-polar disorder, persistent lingering grief, meaninglessness, psychosomatic diseases, asthma, colitis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), reproductive health issues, failed relationships, financial difficulties, family violence, addictions, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disorders, etc. Family Constellations (FC) is a holistic process that brings these hidden dynamics to the surface so that they can be processed and healed. This approach is an increasingly popular form of therapy that is practiced in over 35 countries globally.
In order to reveal possible entanglements, we examine past tragic and traumatic events in your family's history, such as: Who died early? Who left the family? Who was abandoned, isolated or excluded from the family? Who was not acknowledged? Who was adopted or gave a child up for adoption? Who died in childbirth? Who had a miscarriage, birthed a stillborn child or had an abortion? Who was murdered or was a murderer? Who committed suicide? Who suffered or died in war? Who was a victim or perpetrator in a holocaust or ethnic conflict? Who profited from another’s loss? Who was wrongly accused? Who was jailed or institutionalized? Who had a physical, emotional or mental disability? Who had a significant relationship prior to marriage and what happened? Who experienced an early separation or disconnection from their mother? Most importantly we see how these past traumatic events have deeply impacted our families. We see how our parents and grandparents struggled. The Knowing Field contains information from the past. Based on the theory that we are all connected, this information can be accessed through the constellations process. Sometimes a constellation can reveal information that you did not have access to previously.
The solution comes from acknowledging what happened in the past, responding with love, acceptance of and compassion for the fate of those who came before us. We honor the suffering and limitations of our ancestors by committing to create a happier, freer and more fulfilling reality for ourselves and the future generations than was possible in the past.
· Those who would like to understand and resolve life issues.
. Those who notice dysfunctional patterns in themselves and observe also in members of their families.
· Those who are looking for a solid foundation or for new direction in their lives.
· Those who would like to restore balance and harmony to the family system.
. Those who would like to address spiritual, mental, emotional and physical symptoms / illnesses.
. Those whose countries of origin have a history of colonization, slavery, ethnic conflict and war.
. Those whose have a family history of emigration and or exclusion.
Read more on the other pages of this section.
If you are in Northern New Mexico, sign up below to receive information on upcoming FC Circles.
In a family system, individuals unconsciously take on destructive familial patterns of dysfunction, such as anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way to “belong” and be loyal to the family system. Often these patterns are the root cause of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical illness such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, allergies, autoimmune diseases, lower back pain, cancer, HIV-AIDS, depression, anxiety, panic disorders, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, fears, phobias, guilt, bi-polar disorder, persistent lingering grief, meaninglessness, psychosomatic diseases, asthma, colitis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), reproductive health issues, failed relationships, financial difficulties, family violence, addictions, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disorders, etc. Family Constellations (FC) is a holistic process that brings these hidden dynamics to the surface so that they can be processed and healed. This approach is an increasingly popular form of therapy that is practiced in over 35 countries globally.
In order to reveal possible entanglements, we examine past tragic and traumatic events in your family's history, such as: Who died early? Who left the family? Who was abandoned, isolated or excluded from the family? Who was not acknowledged? Who was adopted or gave a child up for adoption? Who died in childbirth? Who had a miscarriage, birthed a stillborn child or had an abortion? Who was murdered or was a murderer? Who committed suicide? Who suffered or died in war? Who was a victim or perpetrator in a holocaust or ethnic conflict? Who profited from another’s loss? Who was wrongly accused? Who was jailed or institutionalized? Who had a physical, emotional or mental disability? Who had a significant relationship prior to marriage and what happened? Who experienced an early separation or disconnection from their mother? Most importantly we see how these past traumatic events have deeply impacted our families. We see how our parents and grandparents struggled. The Knowing Field contains information from the past. Based on the theory that we are all connected, this information can be accessed through the constellations process. Sometimes a constellation can reveal information that you did not have access to previously.
The solution comes from acknowledging what happened in the past, responding with love, acceptance of and compassion for the fate of those who came before us. We honor the suffering and limitations of our ancestors by committing to create a happier, freer and more fulfilling reality for ourselves and the future generations than was possible in the past.
· Those who would like to understand and resolve life issues.
. Those who notice dysfunctional patterns in themselves and observe also in members of their families.
· Those who are looking for a solid foundation or for new direction in their lives.
· Those who would like to restore balance and harmony to the family system.
. Those who would like to address spiritual, mental, emotional and physical symptoms / illnesses.
. Those whose countries of origin have a history of colonization, slavery, ethnic conflict and war.
. Those whose have a family history of emigration and or exclusion.
Read more on the other pages of this section.
If you are in Northern New Mexico, sign up below to receive information on upcoming FC Circles.
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