Family Constellation Circles
Generational Ancestral Process (GAP)
These experiences of generational processes are shared anonymously to honor confidentiality.
I am in my thirties and I have been experiencing emotional and physical issues for years. In recent years after a particular loss it seemed a little more overwhelming. Feelings of insecurities, lack of confidence in oneself, indecisions, anger, helplessness were all emotions that were lingering. I currently live overseas. I was concerned as these issues and ailments have been recurring. Suchinta suggested that I work with her on the ancestral process, and that it might help release these issues and gain clarity.
She led me through the CHI Wholeness Exercise. Then asked me to to identify for myself an issue that was of concern. Suchinta did not ask me for details as long as I knew what it was, and intended to move forward from it. She then asked me to visualize all my ancestors who wished to support my healing to stand around me in a circle.
Next she asked me to inquire who was entangled with my issue. Who was carrying this issue for me? My grandaunt and a few others stepped forward. My grandaunt was the significant figure even though the others sort of stood in the shadow. I saw my paternal great grandmother and maternal grandmother briefly. My grandaunt wrapped her arms around me and started to weep. She seemed rather pained by it all. She didn’t say much to me, but I felt that a heavy burden was being released from her as well. She seemed to rise to her full self once she was able to release her tears and accept it.
Suchinta then asked me where I felt it in my body. Then she asked me to find out from my grandaunt and others if they were willing to take this issue back. They were willing, and said "Yes." So I energetically pulled it out of my own body and gave it to my grandaunt. I then asked my grandaunt to give the issue to Mother Earth to compost it, and give us what we needed to heal. Suchinta asked me how I felt, and I truly felt lighter, as if something persistent and heavy had been lifted from my body. I then thanked all the ancestors who came to help me in this process, bowing to honor and thank them.
Even as I discussed some of the details with my husband, rather than being overly anxious and unhappy, I felt at ease and calm. I must add that it felt like there was a lot of light around my grandaunt as she left. Early on it felt like she was stooping and heavy burdened, but once released, she too seemed at peace and glowing. It truly was an amazing process.
Facilitator's report of a GAP session:
The client (a middle aged woman) had a son who had emotional issues, and was living in the adjoining city. She and her husband were very concerned about him and asked if I could help him heal. I told her that while I could not do the ancestral process with him, unless he wished for it, I could work with her on her own issues and that could affect her son.
I led her through the CHI Wholeness Exercise. Then asked her to identify for herself an issue that was of concern for her. I did not need to know any details about it as long as she knew what it was, and intended to move forward from it. I then asked her to visualize all her ancestors who wished to support her healing to stand around her in a circle.
Next I asked her to inquire who was entangled with her issue. Who was she carrying this issue for? Her grandmother stepped forward. She told me that she had been named for this grandother. She told me that her issue was that she often could not speak her truth, and kept things to herself rather than speak out. Apparently, her grandmother too had this problem. I then asked her to think of a situation when she could not speak her truth, and asked where she felt it in her body.
Then I asked her to find out from her grandma if she was willing to take this issue back. Her grandma was willing, and said "Yes." So she energetically pulled it out of her own body and gave it to her grandma. She then asked her grandma to give the issue to Mother Earth to compost it, and give her what she needed to speak her truth with grace, ease, and confidence. I told her to then think of a situation in which she confidently spoke her truth without holding back. Be conscious of how that felt in her body. She felt comfortable and relaxed.
She thanked all the ancestors who came to help her in this process, bowing to honor and thank them.
When her husband came back from spending the day with their son, he very excitedly told us of an unusual and interesting event that occurred after their lunch. While the father went out to get the car, the son struck up a conversation with someone at the restaurant. When the father returned to pick his son up, the stranger told him how brilliant his son was, and that what the young man had said to this person highly impressed him. He also told them that this young man had great potential and that he would like to give him a chance to get beyond his difficulties and live up to his potential.
He offered him a job at his company.
My presenting issue was guilt. I have carried this guilt with me for as long as I can remember. I have always felt personally responsible for every disaster that has occurred on the planet. This made me an easy target for abuse as if I had a sign on my forehead with an invitation to whoever wished to do so to take advantage of me. Every relationship I have ever had was impacted by this pervasive sense of guilt. Every mistake I have ever made seemed to validate my sense of guilt and shame.
After years of talk therapy, I had become aware of this issue without resolution. I vividly remember watching news footage of the David Koresh incident at Waco, TX. As I viewed this disaster on the news, I became overwhelmed with a sense of guilt and personal responsibility for what was occurring. I had been in therapy long enough by then to realize that this was not normal.
This triggered some pretty intense therapy, ultimately opening up repressed memories of sexual abuse as a six year old child. Both my therapist and I assumed that the sense of guilt and shame had its origins in the abuse. I had been told by the man who abused me that I was ‘a little whore just like my mother’ and that I could not tell anyone what had happened because then they would know about me, and about how I caused such things to happen. My only concept for ‘whore’ came from the Pentecostal Church of my grandparents; I made an early identification with the Great Whore Babylon in the Book of Revelations. This, I am sure, acted to extend that sense of guilt to the happenings of the world at large.
But in spite of resurfacing memories and years of talk and gestalt therapies, a sense of guilt still lingered. In the assessment of the issue, I rated the impact of this sense of guilt as an “8”. I had not wanted to explore this guilt and shame before because I was afraid that, after all, I had done something horrible to generate all this guilt.
After doing the wholeness exercise and the affirmations I tried to visualize what it would be like to have the guilt at “0.” (0 = Best possible; 10 = Worst possible.). I couldn’t do it. I had the sense that the affirmation would be “I am unbound; I am boundless,” which I could almost feel, but not quite. It was more like “I am boundless, but...”
We proceeded to muscle test for the priority process that would support healing this issue. Not surprisingly, it was the Generation Ancestral Process (GAP). I began, as always, with the Wholeness Exercise, and acknowledged the presence of my ancestors and progeny in my Wholeness Circle. The whole family system - Seven generations back and seven generations forward were energetically present, holding sacred energy space for the process I was doing for all of us. (The Wholeness Circle symbolizes my Energy Field that energetically holds information from my family system’s past, present and future.)
I received intuitive information that the ancestor with which I was entangled was my paternal great grandmother: my father’s father’s mother. Her name was Anna and my sister has said that I resemble her. My brother, Brian, looked a lot like her husband, my great grandfather, John.
When I asked Great Grandmother Anna to come forward, she did so hesitantly, meekly. I immediately felt her guilt and grief. As a very small child she had lost her entire family. She was so young that she did not really know what had happened to them. She had been raised by relatives, but her family was never discussed. She had survived. They had not. She did not carry a sense of abandonment but one of guilt and shame that she was alive. This pervaded her entire life. The sadness was overwhelming.
I acknowledged her story and honored her for it. I thanked her for surviving, as I would not be here if she had not survived. With love and compassion, I handed the guilt and shame I carried on her behalf back to her. She was glad to relieve me of that burden that was hers and not mine. Her entire appearance changed and she began to glow with light. I asked for and received her blessing to go forward in my life relieved of the guilt and shame. She communicated that she had adored my great grandfather because he was the only one who saw the injured child within her. And she recognized that I had appreciated my brother, Brian, who so favored her John, for the same reason. He has seen and reached out to that injured child within me. This affected me profoundly since my brother was murdered two years ago.
Witnessing my process, Suchinta sensed the sadness and guilt feelings of Anna’s parents and siblings who had left her alone in that lifetime, They were within the seven generations invited to witness the process. They too, participated in this healing, as well as my grandfather and my father.
I bowed in honor and gratitude for all the suffering endured by my ancestors, specially my great-grandmother Anna, affirmed that “I am / We are / All Beings are well, happy, peaceful, grateful, whole and holy. As I closed my CHI session, I re-assessed my sense of guilt and shame at “0”. I am unbound. I am boundless.
When my name was picked at random, I shared my issues and history with Suchinta privately. I have had years of digestive problems such as extreme obesity, food intolerance and overgrowth of fungus. I was born prematurely to a mother who tried to abort me without success. A month after I was born, she fed me cereal. I had been sexually abused by my step father from the age of 2 until 10 when he died in a car accident. Suchinta, was guided to do a “blind” process, rather than distract the group with my complicated story. The representatives would not know what my issues w brilliant his son was, or who they were representing. Each person they represented was named “A”, “B” “C” and so on.
Returning to the rest of the group, Suchinta asked me to constellate myself before I was born - A. I picked a woman who reminded me of myself earlier in my life. Prompted by Suchinta, I asked her, “Will you be A?” She replied,, “I will be A.” I stood behind her, placed my hands on her shoulders, projected a mental picture of my soul to her. and said, “You are A!” She responded “I am A.” When Suchinta questioned her on what was on her mind, she described my life perfectly with details that she could not have possibly known. I had never met her before. This meant that my soul KNEW what was coming! It was amazing and truly astounding.
As I “constellated” each person, I named them by letters of the alphabet. I positioned each representative in the constellation circle according to where I felt they should go in relationship to me and each other in the circle of my life.
I called into the circle – myself (after I was born), my mother, father, stepfather – all responded in ways that were in total alignment with their respective roles and personalities. They revealed things that made perfect sense according to the issue(s) that were being played out, and my relationship with and feelings toward each of them.
With no knowledge of one another, ordinary people can, through this process, “channel” personalities, emotions and information from those they are assigned to represent with incredible accuracy, simply by drawing subconscious information from the energy field (a.k.a Knowing Field)!
After all communications clearly established the validity of each role and their communications solidified the clarity of the issue(s), Suchinta guided the resolution stage of the process in which symbolically, through the representatives, what was out of order in my life, was re-ordered. This provided deep closure to the associated trauma and wounds I had carried all of my life. It was absolutely profound!
A few days later, I had a one-on-one Creative Holistic Integration (CHI) Session on Skype with Suchinta. The following evening, my daughter reached out to me and agreed to have phone conversation with me. As a child, she too had experienced sexual abuse. She and I had been deeply challenged with each other during her growing up years and there was lots of pain on both sides, as was the case with my mother and I. As an adult she had only allowed text communication, as that was the only way she said that she felt “safe.” In addition to her saying I could finally “hear her voice again”, she invited me to meet my granddaughter (who is now 1 year old and I haven’t met). It was truly a miracle.
I experienced the Generational Ancestral Process (GAP) facilitated by Suchinta. I had long wondered about what had happened to cause the women on both the maternal and paternal side of my mother to disown their mothers , and sometimes vice versa. My mother disowned her mother; my mother’s paternal cousin disowned her mother. More subtly, my mother had abandoned me through a lack of experience and understanding of nurturing and had almost disowned my sister. In the process, I was able to connect with my maternal great grandmother (MGGM), my namesake, and learn that the original wound went way back. My MGGM remembered that her grandaunt had disowned her mother.
Further exploration revealed that her grandaunt had been beaten in front of her mother, who had done nothing; her daughter had not forgiven her, not understanding that she had been prevented from helping her. It felt so very encouraging to feel all those cold, steely disowning hearts opening with the understanding of what had happened and that the original actors had done the best they could in the moment, including going on so that all of us in our ancestral line could have life. I envision as I continue this work, the cold spots in my own heart will keep warming up with compassion and acceptance.
Sharing# 1: Upon reflection on the Constellations session, I hardly have words for what took place. Not only was I able to explore one of my deepest personal relationship issues within a safe zone, I was honored to play a critical part of another individual's unfolding (process). It was so many things. It was playful. It was serious; It was helpful. It was sacred. Maybe this is the spiritual-psychotherapy of the future.
Sharing # 2: All I can say, that my first Family Constellations session was incredible and profound. There is obviously a great wisdom behind all that unfolds. I am so grateful. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone. Suchinta, thank you. You facilitate these processes with a compassionate heart and openness to allow for the greater wisdom behind all this to unfold. And thanks to my Family Constellations group too! OURNAL
Sharing # 1: The Family Constellations Circle was absolutely phenomenal! Each representative was exactly right for the role they played as members of my family. My issue was that I felt that my heart was hardened and closed. On a scale of 0 (best) and 10 (worst) I started out at 9. When I finished, I was at 1!!! I felt supported by my female ancestors to be free to be who I am and be happy in a way that they could not be in their lifetimes.
Sharing # 2: One member of my family was self-excluding from the rest of us. I wanted to understand why. My process was done “blind”. None of the representatives knew what the issue was or who they were representing. I was amazed at how they were so real in how they felt and behaved. The process revealed that the behavior of the person in question was more about what was going on in his/her own life, and less about the rest of us. Through what was revealed in the constellation, I was able to let go of my expectations, to express love and acceptance to the person, and be at peace with what is. Since then, I have observed that everyone in the family seems to be more at ease with each other.
Sharing # 3: I felt tightening and pain in my heart before I did the constellation. My issue was my inability to give and receive love. When I started I self-assessed the issue at a 10 (0 = best 10 = worst). When I chose the representatives, I did not tell them who they were representing, but from what they did and said, I could tell that they were right on in how perfectly they portrayed members of my family with knowing anything about them. During the constellation it was revealed that I was carrying a major issue that had faced all the women in my family as well in the ethnic group I was part of. At the end of my process, I released the burden that was not mine, thanked and bowed to those who had survived all the suffering so that our family could go on. I committed to live my life in freedom and joy. By the end of the process, the pain was at 0 – completely gone!!!
Sharing # 4: I was amazed at how compassionately the participants were there for one another. By the end of the (4-hour) session everyone seemed to be affected in a significant way (by what they had experienced and witnessed).
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