History of Family Constellations
When the family has been brought into its natural order, the individual can leave it behind him while still feeling the strength of his family supporting him. Only when the connection to his family is acknowledged, and the person’s responsibility seen clearly and then distributed, can the individual feel unburdened and go about his personal affairs without anything from the past weighing him down or holding him back.”
- Bert Hellinger -
Bert Hellinger, a psychologist, philosopher and author is the founder of this work. Previously a Catholic Priest in post World War II Germany, Hellinger went to South Africa as a missionary to the Zulu people in the 1950’s and 60’s. In the 16 years he spent with them, he learned their language and observed their indigenous healing traditions, noting the significance of ancestral patterns and effects of transgenerational trauma on the lives of individuals.
On leaving the priesthood in the 1960’s, Hellinger studied modern psychology with several teachers. His work is influenced by:
· Alfred Adler, who theorized that each individual belongs to and is bonded in relationship to other members of is / her family system;.
· Jacob Moreno, founder of psychodrama;
· Ivan Boszormenyl-Nagy, pioneer of transgenerational systemic thinking;
· Milton Erickson, pioneer of brief therapy and hypnotherapy;
· Eric Berne who conceinved the concept of life scripts; and
· Virginia Satir, developer of family sculpture – the precursor of Family Constellations.
In the 1990’s Hellinger developed Family Constellations from what he had learned, observed and experienced. Working with several thousands of families, Hellinger discovered “Orders of Love” that operate in the depths of family systems and in the human soul. Violation and disrespect of these natural laws due to tragic circumstances and unconscious behavior in past generations affect the lives of later generations.
Hellinger also discovered that when a group of people hold the intention of helping each other heal and transform, they create a systemic energy field around that intention. When members of this group agree to represent family members or elements involved in the issue being explored by a fellow group member, and apply the orders of love to a situation that surfaces during a Constellation, the collective energy field reveals new insights, healing shifts and transformations on every level, with long term and often life changing results.
Since its beginnings, Bert Hellinger's work has evolved, allowing for Facilitators to express the work in there own unique and authentic styles, guided by the Knowing Field. I approach the FC process as a transpersonal, subtle energy based process that is led by the Knowing Field. The FC Circle participants consciously create the sacred circle space and connects to the Knowing Field using the CHI Wholeness Exercise - that is central to all CHI processes. This work is as evolutionary as we are.
Next page: The CHI Constellations Program
On leaving the priesthood in the 1960’s, Hellinger studied modern psychology with several teachers. His work is influenced by:
· Alfred Adler, who theorized that each individual belongs to and is bonded in relationship to other members of is / her family system;.
· Jacob Moreno, founder of psychodrama;
· Ivan Boszormenyl-Nagy, pioneer of transgenerational systemic thinking;
· Milton Erickson, pioneer of brief therapy and hypnotherapy;
· Eric Berne who conceinved the concept of life scripts; and
· Virginia Satir, developer of family sculpture – the precursor of Family Constellations.
In the 1990’s Hellinger developed Family Constellations from what he had learned, observed and experienced. Working with several thousands of families, Hellinger discovered “Orders of Love” that operate in the depths of family systems and in the human soul. Violation and disrespect of these natural laws due to tragic circumstances and unconscious behavior in past generations affect the lives of later generations.
Hellinger also discovered that when a group of people hold the intention of helping each other heal and transform, they create a systemic energy field around that intention. When members of this group agree to represent family members or elements involved in the issue being explored by a fellow group member, and apply the orders of love to a situation that surfaces during a Constellation, the collective energy field reveals new insights, healing shifts and transformations on every level, with long term and often life changing results.
Since its beginnings, Bert Hellinger's work has evolved, allowing for Facilitators to express the work in there own unique and authentic styles, guided by the Knowing Field. I approach the FC process as a transpersonal, subtle energy based process that is led by the Knowing Field. The FC Circle participants consciously create the sacred circle space and connects to the Knowing Field using the CHI Wholeness Exercise - that is central to all CHI processes. This work is as evolutionary as we are.
Next page: The CHI Constellations Program
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